Monday, March 16, 2015


I got a new position at work and I still was in school getting my ca credential and masters in another (not finished) so this blog stalled.  I began treatment and did another cleanse and felt okay for a while.  The level of anxiety I was holding was giving me insomnia and the pain in my body was not letting me relax at night.  Last week  I was feeling quite dire - drowning.  March 5th, Thursday  I had an appt. with Jordan in Dr. Gitlins office.  I am to keep a journal of symptoms and I am on a lot of supplements.  The doc said from the look of my eyes my adrenals are not in good shape and I have symptoms of possible babesia

Wednesday March 11th, 2015 - Took an adreset

Thursday, March 12th 2015 - For the first time since before Christmas I feel positive, joyous and hopeful. 

March 12th -16th 
2 drops abab 1st thing in the morning - 1/2 hour before anything including food
1/2 hour later before food - start with 2 Chlorella increase 2 every other day till up to 28 - now at 6/1 maca/ 2 dong quai/ 2 magnesium /1 adreset
Same regiment in the afternoon -
Try to drink water a quart around breakfast and then a quart around lunch
At night I'm taking 2 magnesium and also calcium and often calm
I'm tired today but I took a Norco last night because I am still unable to sleep at night.  I'm not sure how to remedy this.  I need a better solution

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Carissa -Elbow pain - Gua Sha and Acupunture

CARISSA -I've been gone visiting friends and then at a conference (1st) for the last few weeks and ate some gluten, dairy, meat, alcohol and caffeine and over ate often and rarely felt full. The day I left my right elbow started to get stabbing pains.  Like a small pin pricking me deeply over and over.  This continued for the last few weeks.  I think the intense pain in my left arm from wrist and especially in the neck and shoulder has gone somewhat numb and therefore hasn't been hurting as much.  I went to our local acupuncture clinic for the 1st time. I've had it before but have not been to this new place.  The woman was filled with radiance and calm.  After looking at the back of my shoulders she said that Gua Sha is what I needed and showed me pictures etc...After oiling she scraped my back with a special instrument.  It is red from the blood coming to the surface.  I am to stay out of wind and sun for a few days while it heals. She said I will need at least 3 more treatments.  She also did acupuncture-but a light one - as she said she didn't want to do to much.  It is time to get back on nourishing my body with food that feeds it's vibrancy. 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Carissa June 2, 2014 - IGENX diagnosis

Carissa June 2, 2014 - IGENX diagnosis

Today I had an appt with Dr. Gitlin.  We went over where I'm feeling achey again.  He tested my balance.  I have been doing okay - way better than previously but I think if I had stayed on the cleanse I would be feeling top of my game.  He had me lie down and when he pushed on my lower left there was a lot of pain.  He said it was my lower colon - yikes. 

The IGENX test showed positive, positive, positive for Lyme disease.  He wants me to have more blood tests done for my estrogen etc...because my periods came back and then stopped again. 

I am going to start the herbal route 1st because antibiotics are so hard on the body and mind.  I'm doing AL drops and I'm starting something called femmense.  I go back in July for my next appt.

Carissa - 3/25/2014 - test results

Carissa - 3/25/2014  - test results

Appt with Dr. Gitlin.  I felt amazing.  Dr. Gitlin had an intern from Southern California working for him.  she asked me how I was doing and told her amazing.  Best I have felt in years and years.  She asked again if I was having any pain and I said no.  I then told her I had been having horrible pain in my shoulders shooting down my arms and terrible aching pain in my hips shooting down my legs, but it was gone.  After the cleanse-just gone.  CRAZY AMAZING! Dr. Gitlin came in and then said the test they did was the worthless one.  Insurance will not pay for the real Lyme test, the wonderful political disease that it is.  But, regardless it did say I had Ehrlica and though it said I was negative for Lyme there was one place that had a +/-  and he felt that was a sign of Lyme and wanted me to get the real test.  He was very pleasantly surprised that I was feeling so good. 

I left and went and took the IGENX test (which taking blood for me is a huge ordeal) and sent it off. 

Here and there I ate very little dairy, gluten, meat, eggs, alcohol or caffeine.  I did begin doing coffee enemas every morning. 

I could really feel a difference the next day in my joints if I ate any of the previously mentioned.  My hip or knee would begin to ache. I would get neck aches and headaches.  It was really noticeable. 

Carissa - birthday

Carissa 3/20/2014
For my birthday I went to Kai's Garden Re-Treats and did a 4 day cleanse.  I was in the process of finishing my masters for my thesis, in the middle of my 2nd semester at CSUMB for my teaching credential, teaching full-time and studying for the CSETS and Constitution test as well as being a mom of 3.  So I was pretty busy and decided it would help me also get away from everything to get work done.  Every morning we started with a colonic, then a coffee enema.  Kai would make a green juice for the a.m. and then some yummy raw lunch.  I then would take a turn in the hyperbaric oxygen tent.  I would try to stay in for an hour.  I also took time to relax and take long walks up and down the hills and through the vineyard.  Kai also connected me with someone to work on spiritual healing as well.  What a gift.  I left feeling no pain and filled with energy. 

Feb 2014

CARISSA - February 2014
There was a lot of sickness going around and I caught whatever it was.  I rarely get sick but this took me out for a month.   This is when I knew there was more going on then just the flu.  I saw 3 different doctors but nothing could be done.  When I say Dr. Gitlin he said he wanted me to do a blood test - so I asked to do a Lyme test so I would know one way or the other.  I had been suspecting I had Lyme for some time. 

Symptoms leading to diagnosis

CARISSA -Previous to this I was in a car accident.  Not long after I noticed a lot of pain in my left arm.  Over the last 3-4 years the pain increased greatly.  I didn't know if something was wrong with my heart because it being my left arm and the idea that pain in your left arm is a precursor to a heart attack. 

In the last 2 years I have had difficulty getting out of bed in the morning.  The pain in my hips and shoulders has been so great it was hard to walk. It would take most of the day for the pain to subside.  Included in this my menses became erratic.  I had sweats, chills, couldn't sleep at night.  In the Fall of 2013 I was having severe hot flashes. Also my elbows hurt if I ever rested them on a table and my legs and feet had severe cramping - especially at night. 

Because I did not have insurance, I felt unable to see anyone regarding my symptoms.  I have had severe back problems, including back surgery in 200six (my six won't work?).

I have also had severe pain in my ears and blurred vision.  I had been having great difficulty seeing.  I stopped driving at night.